

Effective Strategies for Organizing Your Financial Affairs

Effective Strategies for Organizing Your Financial Affairs

Unfortunately, not only you, many of us spent more than what we could afford financially over the recent holiday season. And now, focusing on paying for those bills might be too stressful.

However, as your 2015 New Year’s resolution, you can stop this uncomfortable experience becoming your perpetual habit by getting your financial house in order.

Here are some simple but powerful strategies to think on;

Strategy 1:

Behavioural researcher and strategist Dan Gregory says spending is just like any other method people use to fill an emotional gap in their lives. And I strongly believe this is a short-term fix to a long-term problem.

The first step to eliminate poor financial decisions and making smart ones is to find out your emotions that might have been sabotaging your financial life.

Strategy 2:

To help you, although many people dislike hearing, I would say “develop a realistic budget/cash flow “. It is the best way to reduce unnecessary expenses. As it provides you with a snapshot of how much money comes in and goes out, and what all these spending is for.

Strategy 3:

Accessing information, comparing products or their prices within our high-tech environment is only a click away. Rather than setting and forgetting, gaining the habit of shopping around for a better deal on your credit card, phone and internet, and other utility bills even on your home loan can pay off surprisingly well. To reduce time and energy while doing it, as a first step start asking your current service providers for a beter deal.

Strategy 4:

Making extra loan repayments as much as you can may potentially save you thousands of dollars in interest. And never get into your comfort zone again when interest rates fall, instead maintaining repayments during this period can reduce your debt or help you get out of it as quickly as possible.

Strategy 5:

Never underestimate the power of consistently saving certain amount, regardless of how big or small. Pay yourself first. Put some money that you are comfortable with aside and watch them grow over time. Savings to good use in the future is a kind of stress release method.

Strategy 6:

No one wants to hear about “tax“. There is an old saying “you cannot escape from two things in life; one is death, and another one is tax.” However, you can legally use strategies to minimize your tax. Ask for an advice from your accountant or a qualified financial adviser about it.

Strategy 7:

For peace of mind, review your personal and asset protection plans/insurances if your circumstances have changed – for instance if your loan amount has increased, have recently got married, or your income has increased or you have changed your employment etc – and make sure they are still enough to eliminate any financial burden to your loved ones if you were no longer able to earn an income.

Strategy 8:

Look after your long-term investment – your super fund -. If you have multiple super funds, think about merging them into one so you can reduce the paper work hassle, and potentially save on fees while monitoring it with much ease.

For sure, your best chance of reducing money related stresses comes from developing a financial plan that is specifically tailored for your circumstances and goals. And when things do not go as planned, have the discipline to readjust and flow through again.

Should you want to review your financial plan, or have friends, family members who are worried about their financial health get in touch with your financial planner/adviser.

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This document has been prepared by Navel Private Wealth, an Authorized Representative of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 23 065 921 735, AFSL No.229892 based on providing for information purpose only. Accordingly, reliance should not be placed on this material as the basis for making an investment, financial or other decision. While all care has been taken in the preparation of this document (using sources believed to be reliable and accurate), to the maximum extent permitted by law, no person including Navel Private Wealth, Halle Yilmaz or Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd, accepts responsibility for any loss suffered by any person arising from reliance on this information. Before acting on this material, you should consider its appropriateness, having regard to your financial circumstances and needs, and whether those changes may, may not be made law, and talked to a specialist in that field.

Halle Yilmaz is a financial adviser and business consultant. As a financial adviser, she gives solid advice that can create rapid and lasting results for her clients. Sign up for her free E-Book and download 7 Steps to Healthy Wealth Management."

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